Need to review access of your Active Directory environment? Use this powershell script to see who has what permissions in Active Directory. Having timely access review lets you have a better control of your AD environment and can foster you with clean and desirable AD access reports you need to present during audits. More importantly, it can save you from potential threats arising out of internal misdeeds.
This script requires at least powershell version 5. This also requires RSAT tool installed on the system from where you are running the script.
You need to provide distinguished name of the object of which you want to export the permissions. In this script, we are exporting permissions only for base DN i.e "DC=company,DC=pri", Domain controllers OU and Test OU. You can further extend the scope by including all the Organization units or AD objects.
Class Perm
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Set-Location AD:
$OUs = @("DC=company,DC=pri","OU=Domain Controllers,DC=company,DC=pri","OU=Test OU,DC=company,DC=pri")
foreach ($OU in $OUs)
$OU -match "\w\w="
$Name = (($OU -split ",")[0]).replace($Matches.values,"")
$ACLs = ((get-acl (Get-ADObject "$OU").distinguishedname).access) | select *
foreach ($ACL in $ACLs)
$obj = New-Object Perm
$ = $Name
$obj.ou = $OU
$obj.ACType = $ACL.AccessControlType
$obj.identityReference = $ACL.IdentityReference
$obj.ADRights = $ACL.ActiveDirectoryRights
$obj.IsInhereted = $ACL.IsInherited
$obj | Export-Csv C:\temp\Access.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
This will export permissions in a csv file that will look like this:
This script provides a base to export AD access control for AD objects in a csv file. You can further customize this script according to your needs. Hope this post helped you in assessing your Active Directory environment.
Download the script from
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